Thursday, February 28, 2008


Today for history and english we went to the Orange Counry Courthouse. I thought it was going to be really boring but it ended up a little interesting. First we got there and we went to a traffic court. We didnt actually get the chance to see it because they were at a 10 minute resses that ended up being 30 minutes. Then we went to this mock trial. We got to pretend to actually be in court. It was lots of fun even though i wasnt in it.:( Then we got to go to another real court room where they were trying this guy for burglery. It was pretty intense. Then i got back and we had 10 minutes left of lunch and so we all ate in my history classroom. After school I had my first drama rehersal. We did all of our plays that we had made up and more. Right there we just decided to make one up and improve the entire thing and my teacher thought that there was a script! We were so exited that we did that good and so was my drama teacher so he said that we could do a different play that the whole thing is improved as well!!! So i am really exited about that! I Cant Belive I Have A Preformance On TUESDAY!!!!!! Im so exited!! So that was all of the exitment today!!


Kristi said...

dddaaaammmm i am soooooo nervous for that kill me with a spoon

The Awesomeness Maggie!!:) said...

I KNOW and we have to do IMPROV!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!